May 5th, 2025 | Cape Fear Country Club

Benefiting The Children's Museum of Wilmington
May 5th, 2025 | Cape Fear Country Club
Presented by:
This tournament offers a day of golfing at the historic Cape Fear Country Club! Start off the morning with complimentary muffins and fruit, check out the Bloody Mary cash bar, and cool off with complimentary adult beverages.
Following golf, there will be a delicious lunch to enjoy while we tally up the scores, in addition to a silent auction of exclusive golf packages closing at 2:00 PM on May 5th.
There will be prizes for the top six team finishers and for the two closest to the pin.
Voor die Kinder-gholftoernooi
Mark's Mulligans
The Mott-ley Crew
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The 2024 Winning Team:
Roger Mott & The Mott-ley Crew!
Roger Mott
Jeff Mays
Steve Rogers
Bill Chepla
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