Tydens die STEM-kamp sal ons leer oor die verskillende takke van wetenskap soos chemie, fisika, biologie en aardwetenskappe, benewens prettige ingenieursaktiwiteite. Die doel van hierdie kamp is om die kampeerders te leer oor die belangrikheid van STEM terwyl hulle aan prettige aktiwiteite deelneem wat kampeerders sal help om die inligting te behou. STEM-onderwys help kinders om kritiese denkers te word, terwyl hulle hulle aanmoedig om toekomstige innoveerders te word.
Hierdie kamp word aanbeveel vir ouderdomme 5-8.
Maak seker jy teken in op ons weeklikse e-nuusbrief om tred te hou met al ons kampopdaterings.


Hello parents! I am SO excited to be teaching your children this week at summer camp!
A little bit about myself: I attended the University of North Carolina at Wilmington for my undergraduate studies. I graduated in May of 2017 and received my Bachelors Degree in History and my Secondary Licensure for Education. I started my teaching career at South Brunswick High School in Southport, NC in August of 2017 as a Social Studies teacher. There, I also coach Basketball and Track, as well as lead Interact Club for the students. I have been working at the Children’s Museum since I was at UNCW and have fallen in love with the summer camp programs we have here at the museum! This will be my seventh year leading the camps and I have learned so much about teaching young children through this amazing opportunity. Every year we work to make your child’s experience more exciting, educational, and memorable! I look forward to meeting you and educating your children this week! Thank you for all of your continued support for the Children’s Museum of Wilmington! A fun fact about me is that I have been skydiving!